An Integrative Oncology Nutrition Consultant for Your Needs

I provide integrative nutrition support for you, anywhere on your cancer journey.

If you are reading this, you likely have a cancer story.

It may your own recent diagnosis, or perhaps the diagnosis of a loved one.

Each person and story is unique and I look forward to hearing yours.

My oncology journey began with my mom, who lived well with metastatic breast cancer for fifteen years.

She endured surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy treatment without complaint, always seeking to live the life that God had given her to the fullest. She practiced gratitude.

 A life-long learner, she was my first client as a nutrition consultant when I began my general nutrition studies some years ago. She was and still is an inspiration to me.

My oncology journey became even more personal when my dear husband was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Follicular lymphoma in 2019. We were living and working in Istanbul, Turkey at the time.

We already knew that diet and lifestyle interventions could improve his health outcomes, but which ones? Which diet should we follow?

There is SO MUCH conflicting oncology nutrition advice out there.

Shortly after my husband’s diagnosis I enrolled in in the Oncology Nutrition Institute‘s 250-hour program to become an Oncology Nutrition Consultant.

Forty weeks of evidence-based information, case studies, and mentorship prepared me to help you make the diet and lifestyle changes that will support you.

I understand the shock that can accompany a cancer diagnosis. Added to this new reality is the vast amount of information and advice there is to navigate about treatment and possible diet and lifestyle interventions.

Not everyone loves to research, but I do! I not only love to research, but I love the challenge of making that research practical and applicable.

It is my calling to support those anywhere on their cancer journey so that they can thrive.

I am a wife to my beloved Tom, the mother of four awesome humans + spouses, and Nana to seven granddarlings. Though I now reside in the beautiful state of Arizona, I have lived thirty one years abroad: twenty-nine years in Jordan, and three years in Turkey (Istanbul).  

I received my formal nutrition education through the Nutritional Therapy Association, the Oncology Nutrition Institute, and the Functional Supplement Academy, and I continue to read, and research and collaborate for like-minded nutritionists and practitioners.

I love reading, developing new recipes and spending time with my family in the beautiful Arizona outdoors, hiking, exploring, and wildflower spotting.

A picture of Melissa Manning with a background of flowers